I Have Become A Massive Complainer Online

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In the real world I'm a pretty go with the flow guy. I truly believe everything always works out in the end, so I don't sweat the small stuff. But at the beginning of this season (on October 18, 2022 to be exact) I made a vow to put out one bet per day every day there are NBA games on and at that point, I unknowingly changed the way I operate sometimes at night online for the eight months.

That is a commitment I take very seriously, even if it's now becoming to my detriment. I'm not going to sugarcoat it, I am in the midst of a horrific skid that is tearing down an otherwise very good season (more on that below). I finished the regular season 98-66 (+92.3 units) and that was no accident. I work hard for my bets and anybody that bets with me also gets that dawg that'll bark if there is an injustice. It's actually worked in our favor a few times this season:

Even recently on a Marcus Smart rebound!

This Lu Dort assist:

A Donovan Mitchell assist:

And the most egregious, this Marcus Morris 3-pointer:

From talking to people in the know, it appears there is a statistician keeping score in real time and then someone that does the game as a second set of independent eyes about two hours later. But that's during the regular season when there are several games on per night. During the post-season when there is one game per night like right now, I'm sure the delay is much tighter. Maybe even a few minutes. So if there is an incorrect ruling, you've got to make noise right away. And when you bet with me, you can rest assured I'm fight for the correct ruling.

Now despite my regular season success, there is no sugar coating it, I haven't been good recently. I started the post-season 16-13, but I'm now in the midst of a disastrous 1-10 stretch in my last 11 plays. Nobody is colder than me and it is eating me up. So the fact that this play was ruled a Grant Williams rebound when I had a Marcus Smart OVER 3.5 rebounds bet was soul crushing.

I both called it out in real time and clipped it.

If I'm being objective, it's either a Robert Williams rebound or a Marcus Smart rebound. I don't see how it'd be credited to Grant Williams. By the letter of the law:

“An individual rebound is credited each time a player retrieves a live ball or purposely taps a live ball to a teammate immediately following a missed field goal attempt or a missed free throw attempt.” - NBA video rulebook

In my opinion, Robert Williams appears to tap it out to Grant Williams, but Smart intercepts that tip to the intended receiver. He dribbles once to get control, is about to collide with a defender and taps it/passes it intentionally to Grant Williams who doesn't have to move his feet to catch the pass. If I were doing the books completely separate of my bet, I honestly would've called that a Marcus Smart rebound. But I can see the logic of a Robert Williams ruling. Point being, I believe the incorrect ruling was given to Grant Williams and it should've been reviewed.

It obviously didn't work out and people are mocking me for being a complainer. 

My response is: you're right. I am a complainer. I am not ashamed either. If you bet with me, you can rest assured I'll fight tooth and nail to get our ticket to the window and that's something I'm proud of.

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